Dancer Wellness Workshop- Level 1

Your Healthy Dancer has one purpose in mind- to help your dancer be healthy now, and most importantly, for a lifetime! 


Workshop Overview: 

This Beginner level Workshop is designed for dancers ages 12+ to learn the foundations of Wellness, in an interactive, fun and positive experience.

Dancers will learn about the 5 Keys to Dancer Wellness- Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Sleep Health, Mental Health and Injury Care.

Dancers will experience 6 hours of education in the following areas:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical Fitness
  • Sleep Health
  • Mental Health
  • Injury Prevention
  • Injury Care 



Each Dancer will Receive:

  • 6 hours of Group Instruction (Two 3-hour sessions)
  • 1:1 Functional Movement Screening
  • The Dancer Care Kit
  • A Workshop Binder
  • An Exercise Band
  • 15+ Video Tutorials on Exercise and Injury Care
  • "The 28 Day Roadmap to Dancer Wellness" PDF


About the Instructor:

Genevieve V. Sepulveda is the owner of Your Healthy Dancer and a Certified Nutrition Coach with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Genevieve holds her B.A. in Dance from U.C. Irvine and is currently studying to become a NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist.

Genevieve has 13 years of experience as a dance educator and 5 years as a professional dancer. Since 2005 she’s helped people improve their health and performance through Nutrition, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine.



Interested in scheduling a Wellness Workshop or a Nutrition Workshop for your dance studio or company? 

Contact Genevieve here or email


Dancers' Testimonials:


Here is what dancers shared one year after completing the YHD Wellness Workshop at Orange County School of the Arts Ballet Conservatory. 


“I loved getting to learn so many things at Orange County School of the Arts with you! Thank you so much!

I really enjoyed all you taught but especially the nutrition section!
Learning how important fats and carbs were to a dancer was very helpful!
Prior to the workshop I mainly relied on protein to give me energy and after changing those thoughts I had much more strength and energy while dancing! Also, I am less sore! So cool!”
~ Sierra 7th Grader
“Thank you so much for everything Ms. Genevieve. To this day I still do the exercises you gave me, and it helps me improve every day. Also thank you so much for the nutrition part of your workshop, it impacted so many of us, especially me!!”
~ L.M. 10th Grader
"Just because you can't do a particular step, it doesn't mean you quit. You can take one step down in (physical) intensity. If you can't do 3 turns, start with 1 turn."
Malia 11th Grader
“Thank you so much for everything Ms. Genevieve!!
There are so many things I learned throughout the workshop that I have implemented into my daily life. Thank you for continuing to make an impact on the next generation of dancers!

I’ve definitely been prioritizing my sleep/ maintaining a better sleep schedule and I think it’s been helping me be able to focus more in class and also rest my body after a long day :)

Also, the exercises you taught us have been really helpful in maintaining my strength especially since dancing at home isn’t the same as dancing in a studio.
~ Rachel 11th Grader 

Workshop Photo Gallery: